Projekt e-Twinningowy “Clicks in the City”

2 maja 2019, czwartek 19:03

Uczniowie klasy Ib I Ic pod czujnym okiem prof. Eweliny Ramotowskiej wzięli udział w projekcie e-Twinningowym “Clicks in the City”. W projekcie, oprócz naszej szkoły, biorą udział szkoła w Chorwacji, Belgii i Hiszpanii. Projekt jest wynikiem relacji zawiązanych podczas mobilności w ramach projektu „How About Broadening Horizons” 2017-1-PL01-KA101-036377.

Krótki opis projektu:

Clicks in the City is a collaborative project in which students will cooperate and work together to create original shared products about the topic of cultural and natural heritage in their cities and its surroundings (Landmarks, food and typical dishes, places to visit, natural spaces, traditions, activities,etc). The project will enable students to practice in context what they learn in class with other students in Europe. Moreover they will discover interesting facts about other European countries’ heritage and their own area.

Four countries participate in this wonderful experience: Belgium, Croatia, Poland and Spain.

In this project students will try to answer the question: What makes your city worth visiting? to discover, promote and enhance cultural heritage.

Working together with their international friends, they will make products such as: word clouds with key words of their cities, personal presentations, digital posters/ glogsters to present their schools, cooking videos to show typical recipes in their area, presentations about natural parks, collaborative walls, virtual tours on ThingLink, interviews, articles, games and mind-maps about their area and cultural heritage.

In the products they have made they interact and work cooperatively in international mixed teams to answer the following questions about their city:

    • What are the best things about your city?
    • What places are worth seeing?
    • What food is typical there?
    • Where can you stay when visiting your city?
    • What are the cultural landmarks and traditions of your city?
    • What do you know about natural heritage?
    • What activities do young people enjoy doing?

We are sure they will learn a lot and will have fun virtually visiting their partner’s town and writing a recommendation about the visited place.

Pragniemy poinformować, iż nasza szkoła została odznaczona Europejską Odznaką Jakości (European Quality Label) za udział w międzynarodowym projekcie e-twinningowym “Clicks in the City”. Projekt był realizowany we współpracy ze szkołami z Chorwacji, Belgii i Polski. Gratulacje! Viva VILO!

Ewelina Ramotowska

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