Holandia – październik 2012

12 października 2012, piątek 12:51

Inicjator wymiany międzyszkolnej: dyr. Anna Janina Kloza

Opiekunowie wymiany międzyszkolnej: Małgorzata Karna, Ewelina Ramotowska

Inicjator i opiekun indywidualnej wymiany szkolno-naukowej: Ewelina Ramotowska

W dniach 29 września do 7 października  2012 VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące gościło 8-osobową delegację z Holandii reprezentującą szkołę ponadgimnazjalną Theresialyceum w Tilburgu. VI LO współpracuje z tą szkołą od  2011 roku dzięki czemu w kwietniu uczniowie naszego liceum mieli możliwość wyjazdu do Holandii w ramach międzynarodowej wymiany szkolnej oraz indywidualnej wymiany szkolno-naukowej.
W tym tygodniu 6 uczennic, wraz z dwoma opiekunami, złożyło rewizytę w VI LO.

Wymiana ta była wspaniałą okazją nie tylko do doskonalenia umiejętności językowych, ale przede wszystkim do obalenia negatywnych stereotypów i kształtowania otwartej, tolerancyjnej postawy wobec innej kultury. Holenderskie uczennice oraz ich opiekunowie podczas ponadtygodniowej wizyty poznali polską kuchnię (VI LO zorganizowało polsko-holenderski bufet, podczas którego uczniowie mieli okazję spróbować krajowych i regionalnych specjałów), obyczaje i tradycje szkolne (uczestnicy wymiany byli świadkami „otrzęsin” klas pierwszych, zwiedzili szkolne muzeum, zapoznali się z królem i królową szkoły) a także zwiedzili Białystok oraz region podlaski. W programie wymiany oprócz zwiedzania najciekawszych zakątków Białegostoku ujęte zostały takie miejsca jak: Kiermusy, Supraśl (Muzeum Ikon, Akademia Supraska, monastyr, Liceum Plastyczne) oraz Białowieża.

Ponadto cała społeczność szkolna VI LO miała okazję uczestniczenia w wykładach przygotowanych przez grupę holenderską na temat ich kraju, tradycji, obyczajów. Uczniowie, jak i nauczyciele mieli możliwość wymiany doświadczeń oraz porównania systemów edukacyjnych obu krajów.

Nie sposób w kilku zdaniach streścić, jak ważna i cenna jest współpraca między naszymi szkołami  – dzięki niej osiągamy to, co najważniejsze dla wszechstronnego rozwoju młodego człowieka: ciekawość poznawczą, otwartość na świat, wiarę w swoje umiejętności – nie tylko językowe, ale przede wszystkim społeczne.

Oto kilka zdań na temat wymiany holenderskich uczennic z Holandii:

I enjoyed the past week very much. I liked to see the differences in culture and way of life between your country and ours (this was one of the main reasons why I wanted to come here), for example that all the houses in Poland are different (they have different shapes and colours), while in the Netherlands there are sometimes rows of houses that look the same and the colours do not have such a large contrast; that you eat dinner at 16.00 and supper between 19.00 and 23.00, while we eat lunch at noon and diner at 18.00; that only few people cycle here, while almost everyone goes to school on bicycle in the Netherlands.  My host family was very nice. They gave me everything I needed and even cooked vegetarian for me! The other girls were very kind too and we have spent a great time together, also during many parties of course.

I think we have done a lot of great activities, that also taught me something. The presentation on Monday was a little scary but I am proud of it. I liked the walk through Bialystok, I got a good impression of what the city is like. There are more historical places and monuments than we have in Tilburg, I think that is nice because it can give you a sort of connection with the past of your living area. The Branicki Palace with its garden was really beautiful.

The musical about JanuszKorczak on Tuesday was great to see, although it was in Polish. I had never heard of Korczak before, so I have certainly learned something about him this way. Kasia translated a little for us, so I have got the main idea of the musical. Especially the décor and play of the musical were very beautiful. The Polish – Dutch buffet was a nice idea, but not arranged very well. If I had known we had to do it this way back in the Netherlands I would have brought more food and prepared it earlier. Nevertheless it was fun to try some Polish dishes.

On Wednesday I attended an advanced English lesson. It was interesting for me to see how the lessons are here. What I especially noticed was that the teacher had a strong accent and the level of English was a bit lower than at our school. I think the sort of exercises we do are quite similar. After that we played volleyball, I did not like that very much because I am very bad at it. But it was nice to do something else for a while. The ceremony of the freshmen in your school was a nice experience. We do not have something like that at our school.

On Thursday we made a trip to Suprasl. It was nice to take a peek in the Art school and see how they work there. I think that some artworks we have seen were awesome! For example the prints and the paintings on the walls from a wood and deers on bicycles.

After that we visited the Icon museum. It was great because I had never seen icons in real before and I have learned something more about their meaning. Finally we went to the monastery, which I found interesting.

The trip to the national park on Friday was a great experience (although very tiring), because I like nature and we do not have untouched nature in the Netherlands anymore. The visit in the museum after that was a bit too much in one time, because we were very tired of the walk and had not eaten anything. It would have been better to sit for a while first and eat something, and then go to the museum. Later we had our diner and went to a sort of zoo with animals from the region. It was quite nice to see these animals in real life.

Daniëlle van den Broek

We have been asked to give our opinion about the Exchange week. I am very positive about it. Of course there went some things wrong but that’s always the case when you organize something.

I was in Poland last summer holiday and my host family is really nice. I saw a lot of things but not the school of course. I was absolutely amazed by how beautiful it is . It has a warm atmosphere and I felt comfortablethere.
We also went on a lot of excursions to for instance Białowieża, the Icons museum, Art school and the monastery. Those excursions were a lot of fun and gave us a better view on Poland. I like staying with my host family and going  to their school because it gives you the impression of how life in Poland really is. Of course you have a certain image about everything, but an exchange like this shows that most of the things you assume are just stereotypes and obviously not true. I really enjoyed my stay in Poland and I will be back cause it is a beautiful country with beautiful people.


This week we were in Poland for the exchange. We already knew each other, so it was very nice to see each other again. We had so much fun this week. The activities that we did were very nice. I think the school had planned everything very well. I really liked it this week, and I’m very sad that it is now almost over.

The things that we did in school were very nice. I liked especially the visit to the forest and the cooking, even though we were a little bit too lateJ You showed us a lot of  typical Polish things, and we definitely learned a lot about your country and your culture, and that is what we hoped. So in my opinion this week was a very succesful week.

Robin van der Linde

It was a pleasure to be here. It was a really nice week. I have learned a lot about Poland! Many people in The Netherlands say that Polish people are poor. But that is not true! Of course, there would be some poor people, but as in every country! It was nice to be in this high school for a week. It’s very different from our school and it’s nice to visit a school  in another country and see how it’s there.

On Monday we had to do three presentations. I was really nervous for the first time, but the second and the last time I did my job better. I think that in this way the students have learned a lot more about our school and our country.

On Tuesday morning we went to a musical in an opera, I think it was nice to see it. In my opinion “Korczak” musical was a very beautiful story. In the afternoon we had a Polish-Dutch buffet and a quiz about Poland. That was fun.

On Wednesday we have followed an English lesson. I liked this, the teacher was talking English for the whole time so we could follow the lesson well. I maybe would like to have more lessons to follow, because I  liked this very much. In this way you learn much about lessons in another school.

In the afternoon we viewed the  celebration of the first class. This was very nice and we had a lot of fun! I really liked the singing and the dancing! It’s really nice that there is a tradition like this in your school!

The trip to Supras really surprised me. Because this region is very religious. Almost everyone is devoted to religion. I likd  the monastery as well. The museum was a bit boring because there were many difficult words the guide used. So I couldn’t understand well.

The big forest in Białowieża we were on Friday was nice to see. There are some many different  trees and plants! It’s very colourful! After this walk we went to a museum. I didn’t really like this because I was tired after this long walk and it was a bit too much. Then we had dinner. It was nice the restaurant owner had made something typically Polish.

I had a really good time here! After this exchange I maybe want to do some more exchanges because it’s good for my English it’s fun and you learn a lot! My host family was really kind! They have cared for me well! It was nice that we’ve our own place where we could stay during the breaks (room 8). Thanks for everything!

Roosmarijn Guijt

Saturday, 29th of September: the day that we were going to Poland!

The image of Poland I had at that time was grey, poor and reserved people who drink a lot of vodka. But that image changed quickly, when we were on the plane. We flew above Warsaw and it was sunny and when we were driving through Warsaw by bus, I saw that it was a beautiful city with nice buildings. And it really was not grey!

After a long trip with the bus, we were welcomed by our host families in Bialystok. They were so kind and hospitable and I liked them immediately. Through the whole week we have done a lot of interesting and funny things: a presentation about the Netherlands, in my opinion that was the most stressful part of the week, we have seen a real Polish musical, we had a nice dinner at school with all the people from the exchange and with the king and queen from the school, we have been to the school to follow a few lessons, we had a trip to Suprasl and to Bialowieza. And we had a kind of party almost every night, where everybody  got to know each other a bit more, so I liked that very much.

In my opinion, the most interesting things were joining  the lessons and the absolutely incredible ceremony for the freshmen, because it was so different from Holland, we do not have such traditions, and also the trip to Suprasl because there you could really see that Poland, or at least this region, is very religious.

During this week I found out that my image of Poland was totally wrong: it is a beautiful land with people I like very much and who are really kind, absolutely not reserved! I almost fell in love with this country, I do not want to go home anymore!

I want to thank my host family for letting me stay with them and giving me such a good time and also VI Lyceum Ogolnoksztalcace because they made this exchange possible. Thank you for the opportunity to be here.

Lotte Delbaere

First of all: I love Poland! When we came to Poland this Sunday, one of the first things I saw was that Poland really looks like Holland. I was talking with Lotte, and we saw that it was almost the same, but there were some different things and we just couldn’t say what it was. Everything is a little bit bigger probably.

Our first day was at Julia’s place, and actually I was sleeping all the time. We were watching some movies and playing some games, but I was still really tired of the journey, because we were in a massive traffic jam, and were on bus for more than 5 hours.

Next, on Monday, we had our presentation about Holland. I was really nervous about it, because of course English isn’t my first language too, and it felt a bit strange for me to talk in English to a whole class for 3 hours. But we managed, and after it I was really glad it was over actually :).

On Tuesday we went to a musical, about the second World War. I really liked the theater, and how they act, but of course I couldn’t understand anything, because it was in Polish. But luckily we had Kasia with us and she translated for us, so we could understand the most important parts about it. Also the buffet in the afternoon was really nice, but I was so full after it!

On Wednesday we had a lesson in English, and a lesson of PE. The English lesson was easy to follow, because the teacher talked English all time, which was nice. The PE was a volleyball match, and I found out I’m a terrible volleyballplayer. All the Polish girls were really good, but we, the  Dutch sucked in it.

The initiation ceremony in the afternoon was wonderful. In our school you don’t have traditions like this, and also not the tradition with the king and queen. I was really glad I had the opportunity to see it.

In the evening we went to a karaoke bar, and I also tried to sing some songs in Polish, but it was really hard for me because the pronunciation is so much different than the notation.

Thursday we had a trip to Suprasl, and I especially liked the Art&Craft school. We also went to a monastery and the Icon Museum, so it was quite a religious trip. Friday we had also a trip, to the Bialowieski Park and museum. I really liked the forest but sometimes it was hard for me to understand the guide, because she had a really strong Polish accent.

In the evening we went to Magda’s place, a friend of Marianna, and we went to her sauna. It was a wonderful house, and one of the girls said that it was a typical polish style of building. It was really funny this evening.

Today it’s Saturday, and I could sleep a bit longer today, so this was nice, because of course I was tired of this week.

It’s for me impossible to think that tomorrow we will return home to Holland again.

I had such a great time this week, and I want to thank all the people who made this opportunity possible for me. In particular all the girls who were in this exchange, and especially Paula.


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